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Tips For Sneaker Reselling On Facebook Groups 101

by Justin Truong 30 May 2018 0 comments
Tips For Sneaker Reselling On Facebook Groups 101 - PUSHAS


This is a guest post by the Admin of the Adelaide Sneaker Group 'Salty Kicks' Bobby Truong.

The popularity and ease of selling within Facebook is a great alternative to the traditional platforms such as Ebay, Gumtree, the various sneaker platforms that dominate the States, or even Australia's very own PUSHAS.

These platforms do a lot of the work for you to help you sell and have guarantees in place regarding authenticity to give you some peace of mind, as well as aggregate a lot of traffic for you so that your sneakers move quickly. 

As an Admin of Adelaide’s biggest Hypebeast Facebook Group: 'Salty Kicks', I have however noticed the insurgence of Facebook (FB) Groups as a selling platform has increased dramatically over the last few years.

Facebook groups are more suited for people who may have a more DIY attitude - who enjoy to spend more time to hustle, or just love meeting and selling/trading to other sneakerheads. It also is a great place to build a sense of community, like we have with Salty Kicks. 

As with other Facebook Groups, we (Salty Kicks) have rules in place to assist the seller and buyer to ensure a smooth transaction between both parties. Note that rules vary with each group so please read rules carefully to avoid getting yourself banned.





So what tips can I provide to those that are new to reselling within Facebook Groups?

1) When posting an item For Sale, please ensure you include the basics!

What the item is, Size, Condition and your Buy It Now (BIN) price. If your price is negotiable or firm then state it. Not doing so opens you up to being low-balled which is part of the game. If you are open to trades list exactly what items, size and condition you are after.

2) Salty Kicks ask for sellers to post a Tagged Picture of the actual item for sale with your name tagged in the photo.

Why you ask? This gives the buyer guarantees that you actually have the item and protects your prospective buyer. As we all know, there are a few bad seeds out there looking to make a quick buck trying to sell items and taking payment for items they simply don’t have.

3) Post clear photos of the item.

Bad photos will lead to buyers asking for more photos so when you take the photos do it right the first time. You waste your time having to retake photos which then in turn might cause delays making the seller look elsewhere. Take your photos in a bright and well-lit space with a plain background. Simple.

4) Price your item accordingly if you want it to sell.

Do your research otherwise your item will simply not sell. You will also need to take into account PayPal fees, postage etc.

5) Post your item at an appropriate time.

Timing is key to ensure you reach the appropriate target audience. No point posting an item for sale at 4am in the morning when most people are asleep.


Feel free to join our group! While we are based in Adelaide, we have members Australia-wide. 

Following the above simple steps will hopefully lead to a successful sale and many more to come! 


Bobby Truong

Salty Kicks Admin

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