Announcement: PUSHAS Drop Days

PUSHAS Wednesday Drops
Over the past year, 'PUSHAS Wednesday Drops' has been extremely successful for both PUSHAS and our community.
PUSHAS Wednesday Drops meant that every Wednesday at 7PM-9PM, we would release new sneakers that have been sent in to us by our sellers. Our restocks and prices changes however, happen throughout the week so you need to be checking all week so you don't miss steals...
Sometimes we were late by a few hours when it was a big drop, but we have yet to miss a drop. The reason why we would drop them within a 2 hour timeframe randomly was to ensure that everyone had a fair chance of copping. If we set an exact time, some people might end up using bots which may be unfair. It also built hype.
Our biggest record would have been when the Sean Wotherspoon 97/1s dropped on PUSHAS. We had over 10+ pairs and they sold out in less than 5 seconds...
On Wednesdays, we will continue this tradition and release sneakers from 7PM-9PM AEST, so don't miss out.
PUSHAS Thursday Drops
On Thursdays, we will build upon this PUSHAS Tradition by releasing a limited run of new PUSHAS Apparel every week.
PUSHAS Thursday Drops will happen at 8PM AEST as voted by all our PUSHAS on IG.
Every week, you will see new designs, new themes and perhaps even re-releases of popular pieces (if you're lucky...) for you all to cop.
New releases will stay on the website for a week, but the pieces will be very limited and could sell out quickly so we recommend that if you vibe with the pieces, you should cop them immediately.
Some could be gone in a few seconds, while others may be gone in a few days. Some might not sell out that week, but are you willing to risk it? ;)
We dropped a celebratory Apparel release to celebrate the start of the PUSHAS Thursday Drops. We had 50 pieces per colour, and within 48 hours, over 90% of pieces were already sold.
Since our PUSHAS Thursday Drops will be more limited than that, we expect our pieces to sell even quicker!
Good luck everyone!
Final Words
The PUSHAS crew is growing all over the world, and we're glad you're apart of it from the start.
We're especially thankful and proud that you have all helped us grow into the community that PUSHAS is now. We're the realest & sickest bunch, tied together through our love of sneakers, street-culture, hip-hop and art.
We're excited to continue to grow and take on the world!
PUSHAS Apparel will drop here: