Authenticity & Legitimacy Guarantee

At PUSHAS, we guarantee that we only accept legitimate sellers with a stellar track record as it is our mission to be the most trusted sneaker platform in Asia-Pacific. This means we only end up accepting 1 in every 6 applications. We also guarantee that we verify all sneakers that come through our platform to ensure their legitimacy.

However, even our sneaker specialists are only human and may make a mistake.

We guarantee that if you receive fake sneakers, we will provide you with a FULL REFUND for the sneaker. All you have to do is prove to us that the sneakers you received are indeed fake.

  • If you are returning sneakers since they are not legitimate, you will get a full refund once you return the sneakers to us and they are indeed not authentic.
  • To date, we have received 0 returns based on authenticity since our launch in May 2017.
  • False returns will be subject to additional fees & charges such as shipping to and from PUSHAS as well as a 9.5% processing charge.

We hope that through PUSHAS, Australia and the rest of Asia-Pacific will have a robust and safe community for buying and selling sneakers.

Please note:

For all refunds, the package remains the responsibility of the customer until it is received by PUSHAS. 

Once we receive your sneakers, the sneakers will be evaluated as to whether they have been worn before your refund is made.

As we are a platform, PUSHAS reserves the right to make the final decision on all authenticity cases on behalf of our sellers.